
Part 1: THE WORLD OF MARKETING. 1. An Overview of Marketing. 2. Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage. 3. Ethics and Social Responsibility. 4. The Marketing Environment. 5. Developing a Global Vision. Part 2: ANALYZING MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES. 6. Consumer Decision Making. 7. Business Marketing. 8. Segmenting and Targeting Markets. 9. Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research. Part 3: PRODUCT DECISIONS. 10. Product Concepts. 11. Developing and Managing Products. 12. Services and Nonprofit Organization Marketing. Part 4: DISTRIBUTION DECISIONS. 13. Marketing Channels. 14. Supply Chain Management. 15. Retailing. Part 5: PROMOTION AND COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES. 16. Promotional Planning for Competitive Advantage. 17. Advertising and Public Relations. 18. Sales Promotion and Personal Selling. Part 6: PRICING DECISIONS. 19. Pricing Concepts. 20. Setting the Right Price. Part 7: TECHNOLOGY-DRIVEN MARKETING. 21. Consumer Relationship Management (CRM).

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