
esearch conducted in the area of security sciences leads to the identification of many determinants of state security. Among them, a prominent place is occupied by a design determinant, namely the strategy. At the basis of considerations presented in this article lies an assumption that constant changes accompanying security of the state and the limited potential of state institutions designed to ensure it are associated with the need for a permanent quest for effective legal and organisational solutions to ensure undisturbed existence and possibility of the development of the state — permanent, because the interrelation between threats and challenges and state security will never be at least balanced. The problem can be resolved by constructing and then improving the strategy of state security. The introduction emphasises the multifaceted nature of security and its form, which is the safety of a particular organisation such as the state. Subsequently, on the basis of a review of representative scientific publications on management and security, the essence of the strategy was presented. It was necessary in order to identify similarities and differences in the commonly available definitions of the strategy formulated by recognised scientific authorities. In turn, this procedure provided a basis for the presentation of practical aspects of preparation and development of national security strategy, and the role of public administration in this regard. The study is crowned with conclusions summarising substantive and research issues of the presented content. In the process of research, the results of which are presented in this article, we implemented a method of examining the content of selected literature relating to the scientific problem reflected in the title of the paper that consisted in: analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalisation and inference.

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