
Proposed the technique of development of the system of actions to implementation of the effective development strategy of the enterprise is described. Control of financial risks of the enterprise represents a part of activities of the financial manager. Each enterprise for support of stable operation in the future, shall have accurately definite purposes. The most effective system of management is the system of strategic management which demands from principals of understanding of an entity of strategy, use of receptions and methods of strategic management, development of strategic plans. From here, strategy shall change and adapt to change of conditions, both the external, and internal environment. Therefore, the business management problem is urgent. The analysis of the specified problems showed absence of effective management of the enterprises taking into account risk situations. Now there are no effective techniques and models of business management representing the relations of the economic subject assuming correlation in provision and consuming of goods and services. The policy of control of financial risks represents a part of the general financial strategy of the enterprise consisting in system development an action for neutralization of possible negative financial consequences of the risks connected to implementation of different aspects of financial activities. Within this policy the list of financial risks is defined. The most significant financial risks are identified and by means of a ball scale ranging of risks is made and the curve of accents is defined. The conclusion is drawn on a status of a problem of financial risks at the enterprise: the most priority risk is the risk of lowering of financial stability (or risk of violation of equilibrium of financial development), it has the greatest assessment. Further risks of insolvency (or risk of unbalanced liquidity) the enterprises and criminogenic risk follow. The least priority is the deposit risk. At the final stage methods of lowering of financial risks of the enterprise are offered. Such as prediction and monitoring of production and financial activities with establishment of the normative ranges, increase in solvency through optimization of control of monetary assets. And as methods of lowering of criminogenic risk methods of transfer of financial risk, such as, diversification and insurance are selected

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