
The profound transformations of the national higher education system are the result of a combination of various factors. The process of creating a knowledge society puts the field of higher education at the center not only of the development of basic and applied science, the formation of future social and professionalelites, it makes it generally responsible for the interpretation, dissemination and use of new knowledge. The ethics of higher education, the values that underlie its scientific and educational activities, the principles and rules of relationships in each institution, in teaching staff, in relationships with students are the basis of the academic corporation’s ability to effectively self-regulate and meet society’s demand. Thus, conscious moral choice, concern for reputation become one of the main mechanisms of internal self-regulation of the professional community, determine its ethical priorities, balance of power and logic of professional communications. Academic integrity, as a certain social ideal, must counteract the excessive commercialization of universities, their intensive bureaucratization, which destroys not only the ability to fulfill their social mission, but also the logic of their existence. Violation of the principles of academic interaction, undermining of corporate solidarity and trust, reduction of professional involvement, low interest in the active work of the academic community - all this is a consequence of the limited autonomy of the academic space. The activities of the academic community can be effective only if it is based on a certain set of values that unite very different people into one team and give meaning to their joint activities. Academic honesty in this situation significantly affects the formation of common approaches to the organization of work, the definition of job competencies and trust, decision-making procedures, perception and resolution of conflicts, and so on. The article presents the basic principles and experience of implementing academic integrity in the educational and scientific space of Zaporizhia State Medical University in the framework of the implementation of European standards of higher education institutions in Ukraine.

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