
Apolipoprotein AIV (Apo AIV) and cholecystokinin (CCK) are secreted in response to fat consumption, and both cause satiation via CCK 1 receptor (CCK-1R)-containing vagal afferent nerves to the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS), where Apo AIV is also synthesized. Fasted male Long-Evans rats received ip CCK-8 or fourth-ventricular (i4vt) Apo AIV alone or in combination. Food intake and c-Fos proteins (a product of the c-Fos immediate-early gene) were assessed. i4vt Apo AIV and/or ip CCK at effective doses reduced food intake and activated c-Fos proteins in the NTS and hypothalamic arcuate nucleus and paraventricular nucleus. Blockade of the CCK-1R by i4vt lorglumide adjacent to the NTS attenuated the satiating and c-Fos-stimulating effects of CCK and Apo AIV, alone or in combination. Maintenance on a high-fat diet (HFD) for 10 weeks resulted in weight gain and attenuation of both the behavioral and c-Fos responses to a greater extent than occurred in low-fat diet-fed and pair-fed HFD animals. These observations suggest that NTS Apo AIV or/and peripheral CCK requires vagal CCK-1R signaling to elicit satiation and that maintenance on a HFD reduces the satiating capacity of these 2 signals.

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