
Limited reaction of glutaraldehyde with the Ca2+-ATPase (Mr approximately 110,000) of sarcoplasmic reticulum results in intramolecular cross-linking at the active site, which can be detected by an anomalous increase in apparent molecular weight (Mr approximately 125,000) on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Ross D.C., and McIntosh D.B. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 2042-2049). ATP, ADP, AMPPCP, trinitrophenyladenosine triphosphate, and decavanadate inhibited the cross-link in a manner suggestive of a homogeneous class of inhibitory sites, with K0.5 values for inhibition in agreement with Kd values for binding to the active site. Cross-link formation was inhibited in proportion to phosphoenzyme levels formed from Pi (E2-P) whereas stoichiometric phosphorylation from CaATP (E1-P) had no effect. Inhibition was observed at millimolar concentrations of CaATP, indicative of nucleotide binding to E1-P. MgATP, in the presence of Ca2+, inhibited cross-linkage in the micromolar and millimolar concentration ranges, the former attributable to E1 X ATP and E2-P formation and the latter to ATP binding mainly to E1-P. The inability to cross-link the active site only of the E2-P intermediate suggests a unique active site conformation, possibly a closed active site cleft, which we suggest is linked to low affinity, inwardly orientated Ca2+-binding sites.


  • From the Medical ResearchCouncil, Biomembrane Research Unit and Department of Chemical Pathology, University of Cape Town Medical School, Observatory 7925, Cape Town, South Africa

  • ATPase (Mr= 110,000) of sarcoplasmic reticulum re- presence of Ca2+ triggeras conformational changewhich may, sults in intramolecular cross-linking at the active site, as a result of an interdomain movement,appose the aspartyl which can be detected by an anomalous increase in apparent molecular weight (Mr= 125,000) on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

  • The lower limit of the range of concentration of ATPase polypeptides is derived fromthe maximum level of phosphoenzyme obtained from Pi in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide (5 nmol/mg of protein, see below), and theupper limit is based on the assumption that all ATPases are active and that they constitute 90% of the total protein (8.2 nmol/mg of protein)

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Materinls-Glutaraldehyde (Grade 11, 25% aqueous solution), hydazine, AMPPCP and Triton X-100 were purchased from Sigma. SR vesicles were prepared from rabbit back and hind limb white muscle [28]. They were stored as a suspension (10-20 mg of protein/ ml) in 10 mM imidazole,pH 7.4, and 0.3 M sucrose at -60 "C. Cross-linking-SR vesicles (0.4mg of protein/ml) were reacted with 5 D M glutaraldehyde for 4 min, unless otherwise specified, at 25 "C in a medium indicated in the legendsto the figures.The reaction was terminated by a 5-10-fold molar excess of hydrazine. Gel EZectrophoresk-This was camed out according to Laemmli [29] as described before [30]. Coomassie Blue stained and dried gels were scanned with a Vitatron TLD. Phosphoenzyme-Phosphorylation from [y-"PIATP and from ["PIPi was measured by filtration on a glass fiber filter after acid quenching [33]

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