
The 31P-NMR technique was used for the monitoring of intracellular pH and studying its heterogeneity in the femoral biceps muscle of Rana catesbiana under anaerobic conditions. The value of intracellular pH of fresh muscle calculated from the chemical shift of intracellular inorganic phosphate (P1) was 7.3 on average and the line width of P1 was about 0.2 ppm. As the line width determined by the relaxation mechanism was 0.099 ppm, the P1 signal in fresh muscle was concluded to consist of overlapped narrow components, which indicated the heterogeneity of muscular pH (about 0.2 pH unit). Living muscle showed gradual acidification due to glycolysis and the decrease in heterogeneity. When glycolysis was suppressed by iodoacetic acid, slight alkalization due to the breakdown of creatine phosphate was observed. When the Lohmann reaction was suppressed by 2, 4-dinitro-1-fluorobenzene, rapid acidification accompanied by the appearance of a new acidic component was observed with the onset of ATP decrease. This new component was not detected in the muscle pretreated with glycerol to disrupt the transverse tubules. Therefore, it is likely that this new acidic component originates in the intracellular compartment, and not in the cellular difference.

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