
AbstractThe intracallus variability frequency of Oryza sativa L. doubled haploids, obtained in vitro androgenesis was studied. Molecular genetic analysis of 855 plants (56 callus lines) for the presence of resistance or susceptibility alleles to five rice resistance genes to Pyricularia oryzae Cav. was performed. Among the doubled haploids, one–three genes were detected depending on their presence in the donor hybrids. Callus lines with identical regenerants on one of the genes, as well as possessing two resistance alleles of the studied genes, were revealed. An analysis of doubled haploids obtained from hybrids, which possess the resistance alleles of three genes, revealed no more than two combinations of alleles among the doubled haploids on one callus line out of a possible eight. With the same combination of resistance alleles of two genes, up to 28 plants were formed, and with the same combination of three genes, up to 18 plants were formed on the alone callus line. Thus, low intracallus genetic variation of rice doubled haploids due to gametoclonal variability was revealed. A quarter (26%) of the callus lines show variation among doubled haploids. There is veritable cloning of doubled haploids within the callus lines in androgenesis in vitro.KeywordsDoubled haploidsIntra-callus gene variability Pi-b Pi-ta 2 Pi-z Pi-1 Pi-2

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