This article analyses the intertextuality of the functional and pragmatic elements of the film text (film title, synopsis, slogan) that are a direct part of the film text’s semiotic space. The pragmatic orientation of the film title, synopsis and slogan with their main task (targeted audience capture) largely determines the pragmatic nature of intertextual allusions that occur in these film text elements. The purpose of this work is to prove the presence of intertextual connections in the functional and pragmatic elements of the film text and to consider in depth the internal intertextuality of these elements. In the course of the study, we made the following conclusions: the most acceptable for the analysis of the functional and pragmatic elements of the film text is the theory of transtextuality by G. Genette, through which the intertextuality of the film title, synopsis and slogan must be considered on the basis of the paratextuality, metatextuality and hypertextuality. The intertextuality of the functional and pragmatic elements of the film text consists in the interaction of film title, synopsis and slogan with the precedent texts and events, as well as the intertextual connection inside the class of these elements. The internal intertextuality of the functional and pragmatic elements of the film text allows the movie title, synopsis, and slogan to ensure the fulfillment of their main function that is to attract to watch the movie as many viewers as possible.
The pragmatic orientation of the film title, synopsis and slogan with their main task largely determines the pragmatic nature of intertextual allusions that occur in these film text elements
The purpose of this work is to prove the presence of intertextual connections in the functional and pragmatic elements of the film text and to consider in depth the internal intertextuality of these elements
Through which the intertextuality of the film title, synopsis and slogan must be considered on the basis of the paratextuality, metatextuality and hypertextuality
Прагматическая направленность кинозаголовка, синопсиса и слогана кинофильма, основной задачей которых является привлечение как можно больше представителей целевой аудитории к просмотру кинофильма, во многом обусловливает характер интертекстуальных аллюзий, встречающихся в данных единицах кинотекста. В ходе исследования нами были сделаны следующие выводы: наиболее приемлемой для анализа интертекстуальности функционально-прагматических единиц кинотекста является теория транстекстуальности Ж. Интертекстуальность функционально-прагматических единиц кинотекста заключается во взаимодействии кинозаголовка, синопсиса и слогана кинофильма с прецедентными текстами и событиями, а также в межтекстовой связи внутри класса данных единиц.
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