
In this research, we studied localized commercial texts of globalized companies in the context of intertextuality on three levels: lexical, thematic, and cultural. Amongst many products of the three companies under study (Samsung, LG, and Sony), four smartphone models of each were selected (total: 12). Their introductory web pages both in Persian and English were the sources of the data. Furthermore, we used an online analyzer tool (online-utility.org/text/analyzer.jsp) so as to analyze the data; the results were also corroborated with other pieces of software packages and applications. In the scene of booming globalization, a better understanding of cross-cultural vocative communication proves to be helpful. One of the most active areas is to study flagship brands where rivals are trying their best at localizing their devices to the liking of potential customers. Descriptive and explanatory methods were brought into play in order to compare English and Persian commercial texts. The research revealed the critical role intertextuality plays in the process of glocalization. Developing companies should note that they, too, could utilize this great potentiality in the context of web localization. Therefore, the findings would be of benefit to Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), product developers and scholars interested in the subject.

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