
Africa is one continent that has suffered some of the worst forms of physical and psychological bashing in the hands of European explorers, Colonists and historians alike. Compared to other locations in the world, the rich annals of the continent have also been seemingly twisted out of rhythm with the intent to justify long years of exploitations and stereotyping of the people and their cultures cast in the imageries of barbarians and cannibals. Such a ‘paradise lost’ is also presented as a social abnormality that defies any form of redemption. This paper interrogates the logic of such bland Eurocentric misconceptions/stereotypes with a view to highlighting how such skewed imageries invariably have contributed adversely to the ‘development of underdevelopment’ across Africa over the years. The paper concludes that, there is now a dire need for the European interlopers to genuinely begin to partner with Africans with a view to correcting such skewed imageries that have thus far brought Africa to the precipice of imminent systemic collapse.

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