
A historical experiment by Kündig on the transverse Doppler shift in a rotating system measured with the Mössbauer effect (Mössbauer rotor experiment) has been recently first re-analyzed and then replied by an experimental research group. The results of re-analyzing the experiment have shown that a correct re-processing of Kündig’s experimental data gives an interesting deviation of a relative redshift between emission and absorption resonant lines from the standard prediction based on the relativistic dilatation of time. That prediction gives a redshift ∇EE≃−12v2c2 where v is the tangential velocity of the absorber of resonant radiation, c is the velocity of light in vacuum and the result is given to the accuracy of first-order in v2c2. Data re-processing gave ∇EE≃−kv2c2 with k=0.596±0.006. Subsequent new experimental results by the reply of Kündig experiment have shown a redshift with k=0.68±0.03 instead.By using Einstein Equivalence Principle, which states the equivalence between the gravitational “force” and the pseudo-force experienced by an observer in a non-inertial frame of reference (included a rotating frame of reference) here we re-analyze the theoretical framework of Mössbauer rotor experiments directly in the rotating frame of reference by using a general relativistic treatment. It will be shown that previous analyses missed an important effect of clock synchronization and that the correct general relativistic prevision in the rotating frame gives k≃23 in perfect agreement with the new experimental results. Such an effect of clock synchronization has been missed in various papers in the literature with some subsequent claim of invalidity of relativity theory and/or some attempts to explain the experimental results through “exotic” effects. Our general relativistic interpretation shows, instead, that the new experimental results of the Mössbauer rotor experiment are a new, strong and independent, proof of Einstein general relativity.In the final section of the paper we discuss an analogy with the use of General Relativity in Global Positioning Systems.

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