
The article considers the issues of training a future music teacher, substantiates the importance of musical performance in his professional development. The views of scientists on the interpretation of the concepts of "performance", "performing skills" are analyzed. The components that determine the performance skills are highlighted. The meaning of the concepts "creation" and "creativity" is specified, their differences are defined. The phenomenon of interpretation as a type of creative activity is analyzed. Different approaches of music teachers and scholars to the interpretation of the term "interpretive skills", which are manifested in analytical work with musical text, technical and performing skills, artistic taste, the performer's own attitude to the figurative content of a musical work and reflect the level of his creative abilities. The key provisions of the theory and practice of interpretive activity of the future music teacher are indicated. The stages of creation of interpretation of a choral work are singled out and the range of tasks of each stage is defined. Analysis of a musical work is considered as one of the components of interpretation. The focus is on the formation of interpretation skills during individual lessons in the class of choral conducting. Methods and forms of work are proposed to activate the creative thinking of students to expand the musical horizons. It was found that the state of creative search deepens the performer's knowledge of the musical image, forms the skills and abilities of full-fledged work on interpretation. Emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of reading the musical text, on the development of skills and abilities in the independent analysis of a musical work. The role of personal qualities of the student and own experience in creative process is defined.
 The peculiarities of the formation of interpretive abilities are characterized, in particular, the sketch study of works as one of the forms of analytical-synthetic activity of the student is singled out. It was found that musical interpretation is a key aspect of the performing activity of a future musician teacher.

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