
Italian War Memorial is found in Nyeri County that is located in the colonial white highlands, characterised by rich agricultural activities in poultry farming, tea and coffee production as well as tourism activities, anchored on historical facilities namely the Tree Tops and the Ark-situated in the Aberdare national park. Kenya’s Vision 2030 has identified cultural heritage as an appropriate opportunity to promote domestic tourism and cultural pluralism, diversify tourism products and differentiate Kenya’s attractions from competitors. This can be realized by enhancing the tourism potentials of historical site like the Italian War Memorial; investing in product packaging and appropriate interpretation of resources to bring to fruition the Vision’s intent. This article sought to examine the extent to which the existing Italian War Memorial heritage resources are packaged and interpreted. Based on deductive approach, the researchers applied qualitative methods to gather and analyse information on the interpretation practices applied at the Memorial site. Findings provide information on existing interpretation infrastructures, packaging of interpretative significances, site inadequacies and stakeholders involved in the management of the memorial site. The article also provides insights on the potential negative effects related to the repatriation of mortal humans remains from Kenya to Italy. Researchers conclude that the memorial site is a potential cultural heritage tourism site that can be enhanced through appropriate interpretation infrastructures, packaging of interpretative significances and engagement of multi-stakeholders in the site’s development and management. Further the article advocates for the development of a theme that promotes an African narrative. Additionally, the paper constitutes useful academic reference material for scholars and interpreters.

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