
Satellite remote sensing analysis is extensively used for geological mapping in arid regions. However, it is not considered readily applicable to the mapping of metamorphic and igneous terrains, where lithological contacts are less predictable. In this work, ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) data were used to clarify the geological framework of the Precambrian basement in the Saghro massif (eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco). The Saghro basement is composed of low-grade metasedimentary sequences of the Saghro Group (Cryogenian), intruded by calc-alkaline plutons of late Cryogenian age. These rocks are unconformably covered by volcanic to volcaniclastic series of Ediacaran age that are broadly coeval with granitoid plutons. All of these units are cut by a complex network of faults associated with hydrothermal fluid flows, which developed during and shortly after the emplacement of the volcanic rocks. The geological mapping of the Precambrian units was challenging in particular for the Edicaran granitoid bodies, because they are characterized by very similar compositions and a widespread desert varnish coating. For this reason, a two-stage approach has been adopted. In the first step, false color composites, band ratios, and principal components analyses on visible and near infrared (VNIR) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands were chosen and interpreted on the basis of the field and petrographic knowledge of the lithologies in order to detect major lithological contacts and mineralized faults. In the second step, a major effort was dedicated to the detection of granitoid plutons using both thermal infrared (TIR) and VNIR/SWIR data. The ASTER TIR bands were used to evaluate Reststrahlen and Christiansen effects in the granitoid rocks spectra, whereas VNIR/SWIR false color composite and ratio images were chosen directly on the basis of the granitoid spectra (derived from both spectrophotometric analyses of samples and selected sites in the ASTER image). Finally, spectral angle mapper (SAM) and supervised maximum-likelihood classifications (MLL) were carried out on VNIR/SWIR data, mainly to evaluate their potential for discriminating granitoid rocks. The results have further demonstrated the value of ASTER data for geological mapping of basement units, particularly if the processing has been based on a detailed knowledge of the rock mineral assemblages. In addition, the analytical comparison of ASTER TIR and VNIR/SWIR data has demonstrated that the latter are very effective in the distinction of granitoids with very similar silica content, because they can be recognized by secondary effects related to their hydrothermal and surface alterations (K-feldspar kaolinitization, plagioclase saussiritization, substitution of mafic minerals with oxides, inhomogeneous desert varnish coating, and clay/oxide proportions).

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