
Remote sensing applications for earth studies such as lithological discrimination, geological mapping and potential mineral exploration have shown great success worldwide. Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Level-1B image includes visible and near-infrared (VNIR) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands that have been analysed to discriminate lithology features in meta-sedimentary terrains of Aravalli Supergroup in Udaipur area of Rajasthan, India. The area comprises various types of geological settings and rock types composed of economic valuable deposits of lead, zinc, copper, micas and marbles; they show spectral reflectance distinctly in bands of VNIR and SWIR. The unique spectral signature reflected by lithological unit shows effectiveness in lithological mapping. The reflectance spectra of various rock types, namely, phyllitic dolomite, siliceous dolomite, metagreywacke, quartzite and gneiss, were collected in situ using spectroradiometer and used as reference of ASTER image for the preparation of spectral signature of different lithological units. The image is applied to analysis atmospheric correction using Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Hypercubes (FLAASH) and empirical line calibration techniques to convert pixel radiance values into reflectance. A minimum noise fraction (MNF) transform is applied to identify the inherent variance of spectral reflectance and effectively discriminates various lithological units. The different types of lithological units are clearly discriminated using MNF method. Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) classification is an effective tool for differentiating rock types and its distinct mineralogical composition from associated terrains. Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) classification uses field-derived spectral signature to demarcate various lithological features with its spatial extent. The result shows different lithological units under Aravalli Supergroup, Banded Gneissic Complex and intrusive formations that are composed of meta-arkose, conglomerate, phyllite, mica schist, dolomite, metagreywacke and migmatites in various locations. The extracted geological features using ASTER image show strong resampling with the district resource map and validated using ground truth verification. The overall accuracy of SAM-classified map of lithological units is 73.39% and Kappa coefficient of 0.59. Mapping the lithological features using ASTER image, data coupled with MNF and SAM techniques provides relatively accurate result, and this study may be used for discrimination of lithological units with its spatial characteristics.

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