
Internet Electoral Advertising and Advertising in the “Old” Media in Polish Parliamentary Campaigns from 2001 to 2015
 In this paper the author discusses the issues of popularity of electoral advertising in the “old” and “new” media. He proposes four theses about the use of such type of advertising in Poland. The issues discussed include: spending on campaign ads in the “old” media; spending on campaign ads on the Internet, spending on communication services other than advertising, determining the types of election campaigns (modern or post‑modern). The author discusses the financial reportssubmitted after each campaign by electoral committees to the National Electoral Commission and on this basis the research hypotheses are verified. In addition, the paper briefly describes the evolution of forms of political advertising on theInternet and television. The study makes it possible to formulate opinions about the direction of development of electioneering forms in Poland at the beginning of 21stcentury.

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