
This research focuses on the ideological and political education in Chinese private universities, exploring the application and effectiveness of the blended learning model in the context of the "Internet+" era. The rapid development of the "Internet+" has posed new challenges and opportunities for ideological and political education in higher education institutions. In order to better adapt to the learning needs of modern students and enhance the quality of ideological and political courses, the blended learning model has emerged as a viable solution. In this paper, we first review the impact of the "Internet+" on ideological and political education in higher education and the practical issues faced by private universities in this field. Then, we introduce the theoretical foundation of the blended learning model, emphasizing its potential and applicability in higher education. Next, we propose a blended learning design scheme for ideological and political courses in private universities, including the selection of course content and the organization of online and offline teaching activities. Through empirical research, we analyze the practical application effects of the blended learning model in ideological and political courses. Feedback from students and teachers indicates that the blended learning model can enhance student engagement and learning interest, facilitating effective ideological and political education. However, we also identify some potential challenges and issues, such as the requirements for technical equipment and the need for teacher training. Based on the comprehensive research results, we conclude that the blended learning model has brought about positive changes in ideological and political education in private universities within the "Internet+" context but still requires further refinement and development. Finally, this study provides recommendations for future development to promote the sustainable growth of the blended learning model in ideological and political courses at private universities, offering students a richer and more valuable ideological and political education.

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