
Teaching strategy presented aims to provide the contextualized learning computational intelligence in correspondence with the needs of the information technology students. This proposal is the output of a theoretical model that structure the process of teaching and learning of computational intelligence, from the dialectical relations between its components and it is manifested as a set of actions structured in three stages, defining their respective goals to transform the work, being done in the traditional way, towards new demands of renewal in the continuous improvement that is required, in correspondence with the needs that the learning of mathematical content has for the College student, social significance, and practical value. Assumes the contextualization as a contextual approach to the teaching of computational intelligence. The application of the teaching strategy in teaching practice confirmed its relevance, feasibility, and effectiveness through the use of empirical methods: evaluation by expert criteria, consultation with users and the pedagogical experiment in its pre-experiment variant, demonstrating favor the contextualized learning of the subject computational intelligence in the information technology students.

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