
Objective. The objective of the present article is a theoretical and practical study of factors and directions of influence on the formation and provision of consumer choice from the Internet digitalization processes. In particular, research on what and how modern Internet marketing technologies affect the development of e-commerce in Ukraine and clarify its current state. Methods. To achieve the goal, the following methods were used: analogies, analysis and synthesis, logical generalization, theoretical generalization, comparative comparison, graphic modeling. Results. As a result of the conducted research, the main components of Internet digitalization, its advantages and consequences were considered. In particular, the role of e-commerce development and its impact on digital transformations in society is defined. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on e-commerce in the world and in Ukraine was analyzed. The advantages of the development of the Ukrainian Internet and the structure of potential buyers of goods and services through the Internet, depending on their income level, are determined The impact of the war on conducting electronic business in Ukraine was also analyzed and the dynamics of changes in the volume of orders in online stores during the martial law were analyzed. As a result of the study, it was found that after a rapid failure in the first weeks of the war, the Internet segment of the Ukrainian business recovered quite quickly and by the beginning of summer it had reached 86% of the activity of orders in online stores compared to the pre-war state. At the end of the study, the main directions of the implementation of the digital economy and increasing the level of Internet digitalization were determined, as well as the main components of the impact of Internet digitalization on the development of business processes and on increasing the level of consumer satisfaction and expanding the means of ensuring consumer choice were formulated.

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