
In this article the authors investigated the transformation and integration of the higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as a new approach to solving the problems of education in the world practice caused the need for a radical revision of organizational, structural, ideological aspects, updating the content of education, increasing the quality requirements for training specialists in accordance with the current stage of development of Kazakhstan society and global integration processes in the world educational space. In this regard, the article also analyzes the actualization and the problem of professional training of foreign students in the main areas of higher education: the solutions to such problems as the internationalization of education and the coordination of the activities of the legislative and executive bodies of states in the field of education, and the possibility of organizing a unified system of continuing education and improving the quality of education at all its levels were considered. The authors determined the genesis of the development of professional training of foreign students in higher education institutions of Kazakhstan, motivated by the dependence of education on the needs of society, its economy and national and cultural characteristics; as well as the dependence of the choice of the country of study on the “intellectuality” of the environment, and also made a forecast of the prospects for the development of professional training of foreign students and the internationalization of higher education in general.

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