
The article discloses the theoretical and applied provisions on the actual issues of combating doping in ofessional sports at the international and national levels, as well as a comparative analysis of combating doping by the World Anti-Doping Organization and the provisions of the national legislation of foreign countries, and offers a solution to effectively combating the use of doping in within the framework of domestic Ukrainian legislation.Among the many problems of modern professional sports, the problem of doping is gaining more and more relevance. It is extremely complex, as it includes closely interrelated medical, legal, political, moral, organizational, social and pedagogical aspects. The effectiveness of combating doping in sports largely depends on the system of its organization. However, it should be noted that the organizational foundations of the fight against doping were not seen by scientists. The main efforts of sports and medical science were aimed at studying the impact of doping on the body of a professional athlete, finding methods for its detection, biochemical components, as well as reducing the cost of doping control procedures and finding the simplest and most effective procedures. In this regard, the study of the organizational foundations of the fight against doping is relevant both from a theoretical and a practical point of view.Within the framework of this article, anti-doping legislation was investigated in order to determine a reasonable assessment of the existing system of combating doping in sports, identified the shortcomings and positive aspects of this system, its influence on the education of athletes, which allow to determine ways of increasing its effectiveness, forming an understanding of the role of combating doping in sports , the main trends of development and ways of increasing its effectiveness among athletes, trainers and specialists of the physical culture and sports movement.The relevance of the specified issue determines the need for its solution, as well as the application of research results in law enforcement practice and law-making activities.Based on the conducted research, the authors conclude that the humanistic mission of sports regarding anti-doping measures should be taken into account in the processes of combating doping. It is clear that the current fight against doping, which focuses on bans, is not working effectively. The new regulator of anti-doping measures must make decisions taking into account the specifics of each sport.

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