
The subject of the research is current state and trends in a new segment of international finance market — the market of green bonds aiming at financing ecological projects.The purpose of the work is to assess the prospects of using green bonds through comparative analysis of their issuing actions taking into consideration the newest trends in world economy and finance developments. The importance of the article is predetermined by the novelty of the study subject, by the growth in number of issuing such bonds in both developed and developing countries due to the global trend of becoming more ecological, as well as by public support for ecologically pure projects. Moreover, green bonds allocation practices in different countries demonstrate their financial success attracting this way private investors to the sphere. The success is also supported by the process of specialization and certification. The author also emphasizes the trend of growing specialization in the field of international green bonds and confirms the prospects if its digitalization. The emission of green bonds should meet some specific requirements, such as verification conducted before their access to the market through an independent expertise by a third party. It is concluded that it is advisable to stimulate green bonds emission and circulation because of their viability on the world financial market.

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