
The article considers the state of international tourism for people with disabilities. It has been studied that inclusive tourism area has great potential for development, as more than 15% of the world’s population can be defined as inclusive tourists. The volume of inclusive tourism market development is constantly increasing. Taking into account the world experience of development of “tourism for all” and analysis of statistics on the number of people with disabilities and socially disadvantaged people, the prospects for the development of the inclusive tourism market are determined, which is especially important given its social significance. Therefore, it has been expedient to analyze the prospects of creating an effective system of inclusive tourism. The purpose of the article is to determine the prospects for the formation of an effective system of public administration for the development of inclusive tourism on the basis of international experience in supporting the entrepreneurial activity of inclusive tourism. The authors propose a system of integrated approach to ensure effective public policy in shaping the conditions for the development of inclusive tourism and creating a barrier-free environment for tourism destinations. Harmonization of the mechanisms for improving the effectiveness of public policy in the field of inclusive tourism requires the development of an organizational mechanism for implementing the concepts of “tourism for all” with the identification of practical aspects of its implementation in accordance with international norms and standards. Given the limited state funding for tourism in Ukraine, the development of inclusive tourism cannot be highly efficient, which is primarily due to the social direction of the area. The international documents and Ukrainian normative acts and laws regulating tourist activity for people with disabilities are analyzed and studied. To create an effective system of social protection for all categories of the population, including people with disabilities, it is necessary to take into account the experience of foreign countries, where a resembling system has been operating quite successfully for a long time. From this point of view, firstly, it is necessary to consider the social protection systems that have been introduced in the countries of the European Union, where the disabilities rights movement has been launched. In the countries of the European Union, social policy and the participation of social partners in its formation have undergone significant transformations, and a fundamentally new supranational and suprastate course of social protection and welfare of citizens has emerged. As a country aspiring to join the European Union, Ukraine must take into account the best foreign experience of the world’s leading countries in the field of state policy to support persons with disabilities and its implementation. The European and world experience of adaptation of the tourism industry for people with disabilities (on the example of Slovenia, Israel, Spain and the USA) is analyzed. The problems that hinder the development of international tourism for people with disabilities in Ukraine and measures to solve them are identified.

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