
The Argentine Republic is located at the southernmost part of the American Continent. Its area is 3.7 million sq. km, including 964 000 sq. km of the Antarctic Continental area and the South Atlantic Islands. Continental Argentina is 3700 km long, extending between 22 and 55° latitude. This large extension determines great variations in climate, going from subtropical in the North to the cold climate in the South. The prevailing climate is mild. Bear in mind that seasons are reverse to those in the Northern Hemisphere.The east central part of the country, known as the Pampean plain, extends over 600000 sq. km and is the main farming, livestock, and industrial region of the country. It concentrates 70 % of the population, 80 % of agricultural production, and 85 % of industrial activity.According to the last census (2001), the Argentine territory is inhabited by 36.2 million people, and it is divided into 23 provinces and its capital city is Buenos Aires. Spanish is the official language. Its form of government is democratic, with a President and Congress freely elected by the people.Culturally speaking, the major influence on people’s habits and behavior is European. This is explained by Western European immigration in the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century. This immigration was predominantly Spanish and Italian. Afro-American population originating from the slave trade of the 18th century is practically nonexistent. Indigenous population is small. In the Northeast of the country there is some cultural influence from Brazil and Paraguay, and in the Northwest from Bolivia. Generally speaking, no great differences are to be expected between the Argentine and U.S. population as regards behavior and attitude towards a consumer test. There are some unique issues explained below.

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