
Welcome NoteOn behalf of the Organizing committee of International Conference on Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development 2015 (ICET4SD 2015), we would like to express our gratitude and welcome all participants to the beautiful Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This conference had been held for the first time by the Faculty of Industrial Technology Universitas Islam Indonesia (FTI UII) with the collaboration from our strategic partners, reputable universities, such as RMUTT-OK Thailand and Hanyang University of Korea.The aim of this international conference is as an international academic forum for exchanging ideas, knowledge and expertise on various fields, for example industrial engineering and management system, informatics, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and other engineering disciplines. This international conference with the theme of “Sustainable Development” is a continuation of national seminar that had been held by 14 consecutive years.With the vision of UII to actualize UII as ‘rahmatan Hl'alamin', committed to perfection (excellence), ‘risalah islamiyah’, in the field of teaching, research, community development and Islamic mission, at the developed countries' university level, therefore, FTI UII believes in contributing through the international conference.Industrial development is improving fast due to the development of science, knowledge and technology. It is inevitable that from this industrial development would leads to the development of other economical sectors. In addition, controlling and developing science and technology would support sustainable development of industry.In this international conference, there are various full papers submitted from various regions/nations (Japan, Malaysia and Indonesia). However, only some papers are qualified for being presented in ICET4SD 2015 and published in the Open Access IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) which is indexed by SCOPUS/ISI web of science.Special gratitude for all the committee, reviewers, keynote speakers, and the Rector of Universitas Islam Indonesia as well as the Dean of Faculty of Industrial Technology for all the hard works, supports and encouragements. Hopefully this international conference will sustainably hosted and develop the society continuously.

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