
The special issue presented here deals with the latest, 28th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, ICAM, which took place at the Eastern Adriatic coast, in Zadar, Croatia, from Monday 23rd through Friday 27th of May 2005. In front of you is the first glance of the peer-review harvest after ICAM2005. Certain traditional topics of the mountain meteorology remain intact to this ICAM. Mesoscale cyclogenesis, bora and foehn winds (more or less related to orographic waves), boundary-layers over complex terrain, precipitation, advanced numerical modeling strategies and techniques, bioclimatology and climate change as such belong traditionally here. Simultaneously, ever newer techniques arrive, as well as certain role problems but now posed differently: For example, lee-side sea regulating-effects on three-dimensional mountain waves, super-ensemble modeling approach, refined vorticity budget estimations, to mention a few.

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