
The international biomass trade in the Netherlands has been growing strongly over the last few years, but information on the corresponding volumes, origins and prices is barely available. The objectives of this paper are to quantify imported and exported biomass volumes and origins, and identify drivers and barriers behind the trade flows. Data collection was based on existing statistics and information obtained from biomass traders and end-users. Net import of biomass for energy purposes has been increasing from 2.5 PJ in 2003 to above 20 PJ in 2005–2006, consisting mainly of vegetable oils, agricultural residues and wood and wood-derived fuels, used to almost 100% in Dutch coal- and gas-fired power plants. Biomass exports (mainly of waste wood and construction wood) were high in 2004 (an estimated 13.2 PJ) but have probably strongly declined by the end of 2006, while (re)-export of wood pellets has been increasing in recent years, estimated at 5–7 PJ in 2005–2006. The main driver for biomass imports were the Dutch MEP feed-in tariff for electricity from biomass, while difficulties to obtain permits to co-fire (contaminated) waste wood were a main driver for the export of biomass. Rapidly changing feed-in tariff levels and support systems were seen as one of the largest barriers for the development of a stable biomass trade. Other major issues include concerns regarding the sustainability of biomass production, competition with biomass applications for food and fodder and import restrictions. Major additional imports of liquid transportation fuels are expected until 2010, which could possibly increase the import of biomass to over 50 PJ.

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