
The objective of this study is to provide a description and analysis of the process by which the values of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) are internalized to enhance religious culture at MA Pondok Pesantren Singa Putih, Prigen, Pandaan. This will be achieved through a comprehensive examination of the planning, implementation, and assessment stages. The methodology employed in this study is a descriptive qualitative technique. The data underwent analysis using a systematic approach that involved several stages, including data collecting, data reduction, data display, and concluding/data verification. The research findings are as follows: Internalizing PAI ideals to enhance the quality of religious culture involves engaging in discourse and consensus-building activities. These activities were attended by key stakeholders, including the school principal, committee members, deputy principal, and instructors. Incorporating PAI values internally to enhance the standard of religious culture is executed through a series of sequential stages. The principal delegates authority to teachers to implement extracurricular and intracurricular activities. Religious activities are integrated into all subjects of instruction, and supervision is provided. The methods employed to instil PAI values in students are commendable and foster habitual adherence. Additionally, teachers offer guidance to students in extracurricular and intracurricular activities, and commendations are given to those who excel in religious activities. The principal issues warnings and advises students who fail to participate in the English language religious activity programs. The assessment of incorporating Islamic religious education ideals in enhancing the standard of spiritual culture is conducted after every academic semester. The evaluation under consideration pertains to the assessment of teacher performance and the implementation of religious activities within the school setting.

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