
As the basis of the Indonesian state, Pancasila has positive values that can embody in all aspects of community life, including the younger generation who will continue the leadership of the Indonesian nation. It must consider because of the exposure to radicalism that is currently targeting the younger generation. The younger generation is seeing as individuals who have great potential to commit harmful actions against their nation. That is why educational institutions need to instill the noble values of Pancasila in their students as early as possible so that the values of togetherness and unity that they are holding are not intolerant. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate the values of Pancasila students in the STT Bethel Indonesia environment. The method used to reveal this fact is a case study that portrays social interactions through intensive in-depth surveys. The results of the study state that STT Bethel Indonesia institutionally and individually practices the values of Pancasila by respecting the differences that exist, both ethnicity, race, and class. STT Bethel Indonesia instills the value of Pancasila students for each student through religious and educational activities. Every morning before the start of the teaching and learning class, group prayer is holding to increase the value of student religiosity. In addition, the narrative that is building for students is to love each other because it is a mandate that God has given to humans to do.

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