
The article reveals the internal motivation of students of higher education institutions to swim. It was found that due to the large amount of theoretical material students do not have enough time for physical activity, so most students actively attend swimming lessons. This article defines the concepts of motivation and intrinsic motivation, determines the level of motivation to learn from students and considers a more detailed attitude to the disciplines "Theory and methods of teaching swimming."
 The content of education in the broad sense of the word is an institution for the transfer of accumulated experience in the form of a system of knowledge, skills, traits of a creative personality, its worldview, behavioral qualities and properties, due to the requirements of society. From the standpoint of methods of transferring experience (their evolution, development, efficiency), it is legitimate to note that education is also a technological process. Under the term "technology" we mean the totality of means and methods of any activity.
 The value psychological and pedagogical process of personality physical culture formation includes five main procedural components: knowledge and intellectual abilities; physical perfection; motivational-value orientations; socio-spiritual values; physical culture and sports activities.

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