
This research aims to examine organizational commitment model of private university lecturers in Indonesia, using three independent variables, namely internal marketing, job satisfaction and organizational justice. Data collection was done by survey method on 200 private university (PTS) lecturers under the Higher Education Service Institutions covering 14 regions in Indonesia. Helped by PLS (Partial Least Square), SEM (Structural Equation Model) was used to process the data collected. Accordingly, to check the validity, the measurement model was evaluated based on several reflective indicators (convergent and discriminant validity as well as composite reliability). Based on the result of discriminant and convergent validity, it is known that the whole constructs are valid as both the outer loading and AVE (Average Variance Extracted) value are > 0.70, moreover, a similar good result shown in composite reliability evaluation with the value of > 0.70. Finally, the results found showed that seven hypotheses, out of nine hypotheses, were proven to be true. On the other hand, for the other hypotheses, the findings showed that organizational justice and Internal marketing had no direct effect on organizational commitment. Next, it is also known that organizational justice and job satisfaction were proven to be the mediators of in the relation between internal marketing and organizational commitment.

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