
" Internal branding is a vital component of internal marketing which improves organizational performance in the competitive era. Internal marketing creates employee orientation or internal customer orientation. This research paper focused on internal branding as a solution to improve the internal market, which has a positive impact on the external market, which leads to organizational success. This is a conceptual paper and data has been collected from various journals, books and online articles. In this globalization, liberalization and technological era, branding is the challenge facing the organization. Internal branding provides employees with information about the company's products and services, as well as an understanding of their value, which benefits customers. Customers respond positively to a customer-focused service culture. Internal marketing is concerned with employees; hence it develops employee orientation. Employees are aware of both tangible and intangible features of products and services that are provided to customers through internal branding. In this competitive era, attraction and retention are not the only ways to succeed. To sustain an organization in this competitive world, it is necessary to create a culture that fosters the best utilization of employees’ talent. Internal market orientation helps the development of employee brand knowledge."

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