Friendship is a relationship between voluntarily wounded individuals. Friendships have a responsibility to be emotionally supportive, actively provide assistance, maintain confidence, and support each other. Benefit in friendship usually include skills in activity, emotional support and help. Intercultural friendship is a more specific and more complex phenomenon that has its own characteristics in terms of relationships. The meeting between two different cultures in building a relationship of intercultural friendship. Establish intercultural friendship relationships with local people by immigrants as a form of adaptation to the new environment. Immigrants are individuals who move from one region to another in a country influenced by push factors and pull factors such as economic, environmental, and educational factors. Immigrants can experience several conditions when they are in a new environment such as feelings of anxiety and uncertainty to interact with the surrounding environment. This study aims to find out how the relationship of intercultural friendship can reduce the level of anxiety and uncertainty of Zimbabwean students at the Muhammadiyah Surakarta University. The research method used qualitative method by using population from foreign students at Muhammadiyah Surakarta University and purposive sampling technique that is sampling based on student's country of origin Zimbabwe. Data collection by interview and documentation, for analysis using qualitative content analysis. Credibility and validity use inter-code reliability and triangulation of data sources and theories.Keywords : Adaptation, Migration , Anxiety, Uncertainty, Intercultural, Friendship.
Pertemanan antarbudaya merupakan fenomena yang lebih spesifik dan lebih kompleks yang memiliki ciri sendiri dalam hal menjalin hubungan
This study looks at how intercultural friendship can reduce the level of anxiety and uncertainty in the intercultural communication of students from Zimbabwe
Based on data that has been interpreted from interviews with foreign students from Zimbabze on the research about the management of anxiety and uncertainty in created relationships between cultures, has obtained several themes that will explain the results of this research is language barrier as the cause of anxiety, lack of information about the new environment as a cause of uncertainty, friendship relationship as a way to reduce anxiety and uncertainty, increase the intensity of communication to get friends, Confidence to interact in interpersonal communication
Imigration is the movement of the population from one region to another region in another country to remain temporarily or permanently (Munir, 1981). In the journal explained that the learning process involving international students from China with their mentors from America at the United States higher education institutions have different cultures and differences of feelings, thoughts, anxiety , and expectations. The results of this study provide a comparison that the level of anxiety of international student communication from China is higher in the discussion class that requires students to understand the social situation in the United States. Research with journals has an equation that focuses on the intercultural and interpersonal aspects of communication between students of different countries and cultures aimed at identifying the anxiety that arises when intercultural interactions in international education and the factors that cause anxiety arise. The research aims to know how the relationship of intercultural friendship into a strategy to reduce the anxiety and uncertainty of Zimbabwean students at the University muhammadiyah Surakarta?. The attainment of maximum intercultural adaptation is when individual migrants and individual local cultures mutually accept their culture with each other
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