
"The modern development of the information society, globalization processes, as well as the development of the international community at the economic, cultural and political levels, places new demands on the formation of the competencies of managers of powerful corporations, their training, as well as the conditions for the performance of their duties, which determines the relevance of this article. The purpose of the article is the analysis of intercultural competence as a condition for the formation and development (or improvement) of soft skills for future top managers of transnational financial corporations. Structural, functional and retrospective research methods were used to implement the goal. The results of the research underline the importance of modern cross-cultural management and the peculiarities of its implementation in Ukraine and determined intercultural competence and the factors of its formation in the system of training future top managers (using the empirical experience of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman). It has also proved the significance of mastering intercultural communication and the development of soft skills in the environment of top managers (based on the analysis of the global context). It has been concluded that there is a dependence of the mechanisms of formation of soft skills on psychological traits. As shown by the practice of teaching relevant academic disciplines at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, based on mastering, among others, intercultural competence, future managers are able to develop social skills at an appropriate level."

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