
The article argues the linguistic and cultural specificity of the etiquette units used in intercultural communication. The etiquette units of the Kazakh and English languages have their own linguistic and cultural features. Determining the scope of application of etiquette units in intercultural communication and the study of linguistic and cultural specifics is one of the urgent problems facing modern linguistics. Intercultural communication is an important aspect of interaction between different cultures. It involves the transfer of information, ideas and values between people who speak different languages and belong to different cultures. One of the main aspects of intercultural communication is etiquette, which includes rules and norms of behavior adopted in a particular culture. Based on this, in the main part of the article will be focused on the linguistic and cultural features of the etiquette units in the Kazakh and English languages. Will be studied the influence of national cognition on linguistic units. A special place in human life is occupied by etiquette units of intercultural communication, in addition to language use. In the process of using etiquette units, the speaker and the listener must have cognitive knowledge. In accordance with this, the main section of the article offers its own definition based on the works of domestic and foreign scientists written in connection with etiquette units. According to the results of the study, the interrelation of etiquette units in intercultural communication with the folk worldview is studied and the examples given are evaluated from the point of view of language and culture. In the final part of the article to the main section, will be formulated a concept and offer a final thought with the help of a clear analysis. Will be also evaluated a number of searches in modern Kazakh linguistics. Will be defined the specifics of etiquette units in intercultural communication, studied from the point of view of language and culture. The most basic ethnic unit of the population is language. Given this, the value of this research object will be determined.

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