AbstractIntercomparison of soil pore water extraction methods for stable isotope analysis has been a focus of recent studies in relation to plant source waters, which found a wide isotopic variance depending on the extraction method. Few studies have yet explored extraction effects for mobile pore waters that relate to hillslope runoff. This is because it is extremely difficult in natural systems to control the boundary conditions in order to assess and compare impacts of pore water extraction on resulting hillslope flow. With our new semicontrolled experiments on outdoor mini‐hillslopes, we studied mixing and runoff processes by means of stable isotopes of water and quantified relations between pore water extraction methods. We tested the null hypothesis that nondestructive and destructive pore water sampling methods sample the same soil water pool. Three hillslopes were mounted on load cells, filled with loamy sand textured soils from the Landscape Evolution Observatoryat Biosphere 2, equipped with soil moisture and temperature sensors, a bottom outflow, and a surface runoff gauge for isotope sampling. We followed the precipitation isotopic composition over and through the soil profile. One hillslope was instrumented with suction cups, on the second we installed sampling ports for in‐situ soil water vapour measurements, and the third hillslope was sampled destructively for applying the centrifugation and vapour equilibrium methods. All hillslopes were sampled at four depths (0–10, 10–20, 20–30, and 30–40 cm) at three different downslope positions.2H and18O analyses were performed via laser spectroscopy. We found no isotopic differences between rainfall, surface runoff, and bottom outflow. The in situ vapour ports' soil isotope data showed the widest spread over all hillslope positions and depths. Centrifugation's and suction cups' isotope results plotted closest to the local meteoric water line and within the range of hillslope runoff and bottom outflow data. Hillslope position did not influence the soil isotope results. These results suggest caution be used in the field when selecting an extraction technique for matching soil waters to runoff waters. Soil suction lysimeters and centrifugation appeared to be the most appropriate tools in this regard.
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