
The development and improvement of communication strategies of the information society through the formation of interactive network communication and the activation of interactive interaction processes in the media sphere make the issue of studying the potential of interactive communication in the aspect of community formation especially relevant. The research task of the article is to analyze the interactive components of media content and the communicative practices of building a dialogic model of communication as a means of forming a community. The study is based on the empirical material of the media community focused on the audience of the most popular channels for broadcasting information in the media environment — the Afisha Daily entertainment web platform and popular channels of the Russianspeaking sector YouTube. The authors of the article used textological, comparative-typological and historical-functional methods to analyze these platforms. This technique makes it possible to carry out a productive study of the forms of increasing the interactivity of the audience of the media community in the content and technical aspects. In the course of studying intra-text and out-of-text forms of increasing interactivity within each aspect, a conclusion was made about the main conditions for the successful functioning of the media community: positioning one’s own values for the audience, building storytelling and personalized communication and etc. As a result, interactive communication in a network environment acquires obvious features in terms of a whole range of parameters that distinguish it from linear communication: psychological dynamics, semiotic specialization, social distance and others. All these parameters stimulate the creation of a common field of communication and form media communities, which subsequently turn into real ones, which confirms the authors’ conviction that the network environment is a favorable platform for the formation of a community.

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