
Tripleurospermum perforatum is an invasive weedy species which exhibits strong over‐compensating density dependence. Interactions between density‐dependent survival, probability of flowering and fecundity were modelled and their impact on the population dynamics were examined. When only fecundity was density‐dependent, the dynamics were similar to those observed in the model containing all three density‐dependent terms. Density‐dependent survival was a stabilizing process when acting in combination with density‐dependent fecundity and probability of flowering; removing density‐dependent survival from the model produced two‐point cycles. The addition of a seed bank was also stabilizing. Simulations of control strategies at different life‐history stages indicated that full control would be difficult due to the strong over‐compensating density dependence, with severe reductions in fecundity and late season survival necessary in order to reduce equilibrium seed density and biomass.

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