
Object: Higher education is one of the main factors of economic competitiveness in the global economy, which is increasingly based on knowledge. The imperative of countries to improve employment skills requires high-quality teaching in educational institutions. National and transnational debates, such as the Bologna Process, direct government regulation or incentives, competition between private and public educational institutions -all this encourages educational institutions to include issues of teaching quality in their agenda. Moreover, national quality assurance agencies encourage thinking on this topic, even if their influence is contradictory.Methods: As higher education systems grow and diversify, society is increasingly concerned about the quality of programs. Much attention is paid to public assessments and international rankings of higher education institutions. However, in these comparisons, as a rule, excessive attention is paid to scientific research, and their results are used as a measure of the value of an educational institution. If these processes do not affect the quality of teaching, it is partly because measuring the quality of teaching is a difficult task.Results: Institutions can implement evaluation mechanisms to identify and promote best teaching practices. The environment of higher education institutions can contribute to improving the quality of teaching through various means. For example, national policies implemented by government agencies or recommendations issued by quality assurance agencies are likely to help university leaders implement a quality culture encompassing teaching.Conclusions: The study will analyze teaching quality indicators that consider effective initiatives in the field of quality of interaction of higher education institutions with the city administration and contribute to reflection; based on the above, in turn, it can help other educational institutions to improve the quality of teaching, thereby improving the process of educational quality management of the faculty of economics. The study will analyze the role of lecturers, faculty, central university and the state. The factors of long-term improvement of the quality of teaching for the teaching staff, decision-making authorities, and educational institutions have also been identified. The purpose of the study is to contribute to the analysis of the interaction of the university with the city administration and employers in the process of quality management of the faculty of economics.

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