
One salient feature of systems with Moir\'{e} superlattice is that, Chern number of "minibands" originating from each valley of the original graphene Brillouin zone becomes a well-defined quantized number because the miniband from each valley can be isolated from the rest of the spectrum due to the Moir\'{e} potential. Then a Moir\'{e} system with a well-defined valley Chern number can become a nonchiral topological insulator with $U(1) \times Z_3 $ symmetry and a $\mathbb{Z}$ classification at the free fermion level. Here we demonstrate that the strongly interacting nature of the Moir\'{e} system reduces the classification of the valley Chern insulator from $\mathbb{Z}$ to $\mathbb{Z}_3$, and it is topologically equivalent to a bosonic symmetry protected topological state made of local boson operators. We also demonstrate that, even if the system becomes a superconductor when doped away from the valley Chern insulator, the valley Chern insulator still leaves a topological imprint as the localized Majorana fermion zero mode in certain geometric configuration.

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