
The main goal of image enhancement is to enhance the fine details present in the images having low luminance for better image quality. In the digital image processing field, the enhancement and removing the noise from the image is a critical issue; image noise removal is the manipulation of the image data to produce a visually high-quality image. The important details and useful information on image decreasing by the noise where the noise treated as information. The filters are used to remove unwanted information. The filters’ objectives are to improve the image quality. This paper proposes an enhancement image system, which chooses the appropriate filter and value of center pixel depends on the number of similarities adjusted neighbors pixels to the center pixel. The performance of this system is evaluated by using different quality metrics, such as Mean square error (MSE), Peak Signal Noise to Ratio (PSNR), Absolute Mean Brightness Error (AMBE), Measure of Enhancement (EME), and Measure of Enhancement by Entropy (EMEE), Entropy, Second-Order Entropy (SOE), and Image Enhancement Metric (IEM). The proposed enhancement system is efficient in removing noises and enhancing the image quality. Experiments are applied to a set of images, such as Lena, butterfly, etc. with different image sizes. The results show that the enhancement quality was performed well in the proposed system with minimal unexpected artifacts as compared to the other techniques, where the results of the proposed system for MSE, PSNR, AMBE, Entropy, SOE, EME, EMEE, and IEM for baboon image with the size 255x 255 are 2.906, 8.875, 3.92, 5.154, 2.692, 3.915, 0.442 and 3.674 in sequence.

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