
he present study aims to investigate the phenomenon under examination in a comprehensive and systematic manner. The This article discusses the utilization of artificial intelligence across many industries and its impacts on society, encompassing both advantageous and disadvantageous aspects. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a significant role in the healthcare sector by aiding in the management of healthcare services, facilitating early diagnosis, enhancing documentation processes, and enabling robotic surgery. Artificial intelligence (AI) in the realm of education offers sophisticated instructional methodologies to students through the utilization of data mining techniques, intelligent teaching platforms, and personalized learning systems. The positive outcomes of artificial intelligence include enhanced productivity, amplified revenue generation, employment creation, and mitigation of human mistakes. Artificial intelligence (AI) engenders both advantageous and detrimental consequences. The adverse consequences of artificial intelligence encompass workforce downsizing, labor market contractions, concerns regarding privacy protection, and disparities. Hence, it is imperative that the development of artificial intelligence adheres to ethical principles and serves as an asset to society.

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