
The Intelligent Principle of the Universe is a beginningless and endless entity considered a fundamental property of the universe. It is in the energetic intimacy of the Psychosoma, its unquestionable “morphogenetic field” that the cells are aggregated to finally model your future physical body. On the other hand, the mind, seat of Consciousness is, therefore, the non-material brain of Consciousness where all the informational content of the human being is stored, since forever. Undoubtedly, the mind is the psychophysical basis of all mind/brain/body phenomena, that is, the mind allows experiences to be created in an interactive and participatory way. The mind, then, is a subtle form of field, an information-processing agent involving the brain’s physical system. The mental domain, as well as the material, is complementary aspects of the same reality. In fact, the existence of a “body image” has been demonstrated, certainly a “biological organizer” agent, a three-dimensional image of the physical body different from the perceived body that forms the energetic anatomical structures. He is portrayed here as Psychosoma. In fact, we propose an integrative framework of Consciousness, mind and matter based on information, seen as one of the most fundamental entities in nature to describe reality. It is an integrative theoretical framework and a neurobiological model based on an informational field involving various theories such as Shannon’s information theory, quantum holographic theory, communication theory, complexity theory, quantum field theory and other information theories. In addition, we introduce concepts of stochastic electrodynamics, a theory derived from quantum field theory more suitable to explain the mechanisms by which living beings relate to nature in order to create a healthy life and a more lasting and sustainable interrelationship. This approach was described as follows: 1) Basic notions about information theories and stochastic electrodynamics; 2) Conscience: intelligent organizing principle of life; 3) Mind: non-material brain; 4) Psychosoma: organizing model of biological life; 5) Consciousness and information; 6) Action of consciousness on matter; 7) Consciousness and physical body; 8) Consciousness and neuronal connection.

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