
In this scientific divulgation article, the impact of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) welding machines in the welding industry will be explored through an integrative project carried out at the Universidad Tecnológica Cadereyta. The main objective is to analyze the importance and added value of this technology in terms of control and automation of welding processes, as well as the power plant that supports its implementation and the safety of the developed prototype. In this sense, the significance of the variables involved in the project will be discussed and the criteria used for their evaluation will be compared. In addition, an overview of the results obtained and the conclusions derived from this project will be shared. Also, possible areas for improvement in this field will be highlighted, considering future research opportunities. In summary, this popular science article examines the impact of CNC welding machines in the welding industry, highlighting their importance, the problems they address and the relevance of safety in their implementation. In addition, it presents the results obtained, the conclusions of the project and the prospects for future improvement.

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