
This study aims to 1) produce a science module based on integration-interconnection on light material for grade VIII students of Junior High School [SMP/MTs], 2) find out the quality of a science module based on integration-interconnection on light material for class VIII students of Junior High School, 3) find out students' responses to the science module based on integrationinterconnection on light material for grade VIII Junior High School students. This research is an R&D research with a procedural model that adapts development research procedures according to Borg and Gall, which can be carried out more simply according to the Puslitjaknov Team, which involves five main steps, namely (1) analyzing the product to be developed, (2) developing the initial product, (3) validation and revision, (4) small-scale trials and product revisions, and (5) large-scale trials and final products. We conducted this research at the stage of small-scale trials. The research instruments were validation sheets, quality assessment sheets for science modules based on integration-interconnection for material experts, media experts, integration-interconnection experts, and SMP/MTs science teachers using a Likert scale made in the form of a checklist. The student response sheet instrument for SMP/MTs students uses the Guttman scale, which is made in the form of a checklist. The result of the research that has been developed is the integration-interconnection-based science module on light for grade VIII students of SMP/MTs. The quality of the integratedinterconnection-based IPA module developed according to the assessment team is of Very Good quality (SB) with the average score of each assessor being: material expert 3.80 (SB), media expert 3.19 (B), expert integration-interconnection 3.67 (SB), and SMP/MTs Science Teachers 3.44 (SB). Student responses to the integration-interconnection-based science module have the Agree (S) category with a score of 0.96 in a small-scale trial. The results of this study indicate that the developed integration-interconnection-based science module can be used as teaching material for Grade VIII students of SMP/MTs.

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