
Yoga and modern medicine are not exclusive, but complementary systems. Their combination can provide us with a holistic health care. While modern medicine has a lot to offer mankind in its treatment and management of acute illnesses and emergency conditions, yoga offers services in terms of preventive, promotive, and rehabilitative methods in addition to many management methods to tackle modern illnesses. Several published studies have demonstrated the health benefits of yoga. Regular practice of yoga has shown significant improvement in cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and psychological stress. However, there are many limitations with respect to the reported studies. Therefore, large multicentric trials using uniform methodologies and long-term outcomes are needed to confirm the findings. In view of the existing knowledge, yoga is a cost-effective and beneficial supportive/adjunct treatment without side effects. There is a favorable atmosphere for integration of alternate medical systems in resource-strained public health systems.

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