
The article is devoted to the issues of implementing a legal conception into legislation and social reality. Specifically, it explores the path that legal conceptions take from their creators' consciousness to legal doctrine, lawmaking, and law enforcement. The oral or written publication of a concept elicits an appropriate response from the environment – positive, negative, neutral, or mixed. The recognition of a legal conception determines its integration into legal doctrine (an indicator of such recognition is primarily citation). It is emphasized that legal concepts are vulnerable to plagiarism, as copyright law excludes concepts from the scope of its legal protection. From legal doctrine, a legal conception moves into the normative base and practical realm. Generally, it initially enters legislation and then societal reality, but there are exceptions. For instance, the history of Ukrainian law knows other cases where a legal conception was implemented in societal life without prior integration into legislation. A recognized legal conception can determine the content of all or specific provisions of a law (including the constitution or code), international treaty, subordinate normative-legal act, interpretative act of a constitutional jurisdiction authority, judicial or administrative decision, etc. A legal conception, projected onto social relations through the intermediary of legislative text, is usually not fully reflected in them. It should be understood that the norm of the legislation is applied in social life, and its content in most cases corresponds to the provisions of the concept partially and limitedly. The brevity and fragmentary nature of the text of a normative-legal act sometimes lead to misunderstanding or incorrect application of the concept's provisions, on which it was based. Specific examples of the influence of legal conceptions on legislation and social practice in Ukraine and other countries are highlighted. The example of H. Kelsen and the historical significance of his conception of constitutional justice are considered. Certain directions of influence on the modern legal system of Ukraine by scientific conceptions of representatives of the Faculty of Law of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv are shown

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