
Nowadays, the use of mobile applications is gaining popularity among people, spreading to different areas. Specifically, the use of mobile applications has boomed in the field of education, with the increasing variety of applications in the application stores (PlayStore, AppStore, etc) that address specific problems of stories becoming increasingly common in the market like: problems of reading, writing, mathematics and other topics. On the other hand, the special education is an area of attention to children with special educational needs such as attention deficit, intellectual disability, speech problems, among other problems. Specifically, children who have problems in literacy with special educational need, face a challenge during their learning process of reading and writing. Because of this, special education has begun to incorporate the use of technology through the use of mobile applications in the classroom. In this context, we believe that teaching strategies can be adapted to the development of competences, both specific and transversal, in special education students, while at the same time they can increase students motivation during their learning process. These elements are known as gamification techniques. There is a seies of gamification techniques that can be incorporated into the learning process in children with special educational needs. The present work exposes the gamification techniques incorporated in a playful way in mobile applications, as well as a methodological proposal for the integration of these techniques in special education enviroments, making a case study in conjunction with teachers and special education children. First section of the article consits of a brief introduction to the reader on the subject of the gamification techniques, in wich they are found and some examples of gamification techniques used. Section II exposes the problem that can be solved in this work, section III presents the methodology used for the preparation of this work, describing each of the stages by wich it is composed. Section IV presents the case study that was conducted in conjuntion with special education children and finally section V discusss the results and conclusions that wre obtained from the work done.

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