
Recently, end-to-end learning-based methods based on deep neural network (DNN) have been proven effective for blind deblurring. Without human-made assumptions and numerical algorithms, they are able to restore images with fewer artifacts and better perceptual quality. However, in practice, we also find some of their drawbacks. Without the theoretical guidance, these methods can not perform well when the motion is complex and sometimes generate unreasonable results. In this paper, for overcoming these drawbacks, we integrate deep convolution neural networks into conventional deblurring framework. Specifically, we build Stacked Estimation Residual Net (SEN) to estimate the motion flow map and Recurrent Prior Generative and Adversarial Net (RP-GAN) to learn the implicit image prior in the optimization model. Comparing with state-of-the-art end-to-end learning-based methods, our method restores reasonable details and shows better generalization ability.

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